Friday, June 3, 2011

I have chosen my first half distance race

It has literally been a year since I entered the triathlon world, and as I look back on those days I am more and more thankful to the decision I made last year in April.  I have taken on different challenges, I have improved my health, and I feel like I am showing my daughters how to have fun in a competitive, fun and healthy way.

I started, as you do, with sprint triathlons and this year I am moving to Olympic distance races.  I do, however, feel I need to take on a new distance and the 70.3 is the usual move.  On my search for the perfect race I looked at one which would tick most of the boxes..not necessary all of the boxes: ease of access, family fun, flat course, great environment, and access to friends and family to see me race. Did I say most of the boxes? Well, Challenge Barelona ticks all of the boxes!

This race wil be in it's 4th year in 2012 and the organisation seems to be flawless from the research I've done.  SOnia and the girls will enjoy it as it will be in Barcelona, home for Sonia.  I will be able (hopefully) to survive the course as it is quite flat compared to others, and I can recruit some local friends and family members to cheer me on as I swim, bike, run and hug my daughters on the finish line.
I suppose the challenge will be to get the necessary training to do a 70.3 but I suppose with more than a year to prepare I should have no excuses by May 2012. One of my main goals will be to improve my times on the Thames Turbo sprints in order to get in shape for the Challenge, and I will also register for the London Marathon in order to prepare for the long run. Im sure 2012 will be a challenging year as I plan to not only do my first 70.3 but also my first Ironman as the half is in may and the the Ironman is in October.  

I need to find time to swim, bike and run more often otherwise there will be no hugs from my daughters if I don't cross the finish line! Well, Im sure they will still be there but it will be harder for me to convince them daddy won the race, as I do with every race.
Oh well, I thought I'd share this on the blog and hope to post my training and 2011 results leading up to my 70.3 debut next year.


  1. Good choice!! Buena elección!! Seguro que nos vemos el año que viene!

  2. Hey Pablo, saludos desde Londres.

    Acabo de llegar a casa reventado de un triatlon en el castillo de Hever. FANTASTICO. Esta noche escribiré el race report y pondré fotos.

    Oye, a ver si es verdad y nos vemos en el Challenge. Yo haré el Polar Series de Barcelona el 17 de Julio, tu lo harás?


  3. El año pasado fue mi segunda carrera y me lo pase en grande pero este año participare en el olimpico de Paris el 10 de julio y me quedare unos dias por allí.

    Un consejo, la natación se hace larga (yo creo que son mas de 750 metros) pero luego tanto la bici como la carrera son divertidisimos y rapidisimos

  4. Gracias por el consejo y suerte en Paris. Pasatelo bien.


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